Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Only 7 more hours to go

Today is my last day of work this week. So thankful. I can't wait to sleep in tomorrow. I absolutely hate waking up early in the morning when it's cold out. It's so hard when it stays dark for longer and under the covers it's so warm. Luckily, for the rest of the week (except Friday) I'll be able to stay in bed for as long as I want. :)

Tomorrow my plan is to bake for Thanksgiving. I am making 3 different desserts. I know it may seem like a lot...and it probably is, but I just couldn't decide. Below is my dessert list for this year.

1. Bittersweet pecan pie. I got this recipe from a coworker. He makes a ton of pies (like 5-10) every year to take with him on all of his Thanksgiving stops. I've never made a pecan pie...so I'm kinda excited.

2. Double Layer Pumpkin Pie. I was debating whether to make this or not. I already have a pumpkin dessert in mind (see entry #3). But...is it really Thanksgiving without a pumpkin pie?? I decided tat maybe finding a pumpkin pie with a twist would be cool. Well turns out there really aren't that many out there. This was the best that I could find...so we'll see how it turns out.

3. My favorite...although I've never made it. Pumpkin Cheesecake Brownies. YUM!! I got this recipe from a fellow blogger and can't wait to try it. It seriously embodies all dessert goodness...Pumpkin + Cheesecake + Brownies = AWESOME!

I'm gonna wait to see how these turn out before posting the recipes. I want to be able to back up the recipes and if they turn out like crap...I may not. lol.

Thursday Scratch and I are going to my uncle's house. It will be nice to see the family, especially my cousin, Kayla who's 2 1/2 ...she's a bunch of fun. Plus, it wouldn't be a family get together without a poker game...so that will be fun too.

Friday is Black Friday. Only the best shopping day of the year. Scratch and I are gonna head out around 3am...to Walmart. They are having a pretty good sale. Then make our way to Kohls for a breadmaker. :D Scratch is really excited. haha. I'd like to go to the mall too, so hopefully I can talk him into that as well. Then I'm sure it will be home to pass out.

Saturday is the ASU/UofA game. We got a big group of friends to go and tailgate before. So exciting...although I'm sure I'll be so cold. Hopefully we can kick butt. Go Sundevils!!!

Sunday will be a lazy day, I'm sure...relaxing until it's back to work Monday. Although, the nice thing is I'll only have 15 dyas of work left for the year. Woo Woo!

1 comment:

  1. yay for thanksgiving! soooo excited for some tasty food and family time! :D

    i need those recipes for #2 & #3. they look freakin delicious!

    boo for no vegas. maybe next year :) a casino night should be fun. i made plans to go camping this weekend so i wont be going to the casino with you guys, but have a great time!!
