Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Day Zero Project

So, I've noticed a lot of girls on The Nest have started the Day Zero Project and I've decided to jump on the bandwagon.

What is this, you might ask...well...

The Mission: Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria: Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).

Why 1001 Days? Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as New Year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organising and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

I'm putting my start date as October 21st, 2009 which makes my end date July 19th, 2012.

Wish me luck...Here's my list.

In Progress

1. Send Holiday cards (0/2)
2. Get prego with Baby Scratch
3. Get prego with Baby Scratch2
4. Visit grandpa at least twice a year (0/5)
5. Have a date night with Scratch once a month (0/33)
6. Take Bella to training school
7. Babysit Kayla for an entire weekend
8. See parents/in-laws twice a year (0/5)
9. Pay for the person behind me in the drive thru
10. Compliment 10 Strangers (0/10)
11. Donate to charity organization
12. Donate blood every 8 weeks (0/17)
13. Send flowers to someone three times. (0/3)
14. Donate Christmas Gifts to Christmas Angel (0/2)
15. Save a minimum of $1000 (0/1000)
16. Start an emergency funds account
17. Clip Sunday coupons once a month (0/33)
18. Pay down credit cards
19. Sell wedding stuff
20. Don’t buy anything unnecessary for a month
21. Deposit $10 in a special account for each goal completed (0/101)
22. Start an auto-deposit into a joint savings account
23. Take a vacation to San Jose
24. Take a spontaneous weekend trip
25. Visit Vegas twice a year (0/5)
26. Go camping
27. Go Snowboarding
28. Visit two new states (0/2)
29. Take a girl’s only trip
30. Go fishing and catch a fish
31. Go jet skiing
32. Stay at a B&B
33. Go to Chicago and stay in the city
34. Go to Zoo Lights
35. Go to the Drive In
36. Attend 2 concerts (0/2)
37. See 2 plays/musicals (0/2)
38. Go to 3 First Fridays (0/3)
39. Go to 3 sporting events (0/3)
40. Go to the Improv or other comedy show
41. See all the Best Picture Nominees each given year
42. Read 50 new books (3/50)
43. Watch all the episodes of Sex and the City
44. Watch all the episodes of Felicity
45. Watch a movie starting with each letter of the alphabet (0/26)
46. Do a wall crossword with Scratch
47. Complete a 1000 piece Jigsaw puzzle with Scratch
48. Paint Guest Bath
49. Install Blinds in Master Bath
50. Buy 2 pieces of Art (0/2)
51. Put pavers in backyard
52. Buy a couple of D’s photos (0/2)
53. Decorate Guest Room
54. Clean out junk drawers and organize
55. Have a yard sale-Donate things that don’t sell
56. Go through multiple filing cabinets and shred old items
57. Get carpets cleaned
58. Have a housekeeper clean house
59. Organize a recipe book
60. Reorganize kitchen cabinets
61. Do dishes every night for a month (0/3)
62. Make Wedding Album
63. Take Snowboarding Lessons
64. Learn to sew
65. Take a pole dancing class
66. Read a world religion book
67. Start a quilt of all my old school shirts
68. Try 10 new restaurants (0/10)
69. NO take out for a week (including lunches!) (0/7)
70. Try 10 new foods (0/10)
71. Cook dinner at least 5 times per week for a month (0/4)
72. Buy Breadmaker
73. Cook a new meal once a month for 6 months (0/6)
74. Make homemade salsa
75. Bake a cake for a friend
76. Bake a lemon meringue pie from scratch
77. Make chili from scratch
78. Host game night twice a year (0/5)
79. Host New Years Eve Party
80. Host a Halloween Party
81. Write about each task completed (0/101)
82. Post to this blog at least weekly (2/143)
83. Turn off computer after 6:00 for 20 days (0/20)
84. Compile a list of family and friends birthday
85. Get wedding dress cleaned and preserved
86. Apply for 4 jobs (0/4)
87. Schedule an orthodontia consultation
88. Get a tattoo
89. Inspire someone else to make a list
90. Buy 1 reusable bag when I grocery shop for a year (1/23)
91. Bring the reusable bags when I grocery shop
92. Walk Bella once a week for 6 months (0/24)
93. Lose 10 pounds
94. Go to the gym at least 3 times a week for a month (0/12)
95. Buy Bikes (0/2)
96. Run 2 5K races (0/2)
97. Go for a bike ride once a week for 6 months (0/24)
98. Cut out caffeine for a week (0/7)
99. Take a yoga class
100. Walk the Breast Cancer 3Day
101. Take Vitamins every day for 6 months (0/181)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I'm super impressed. All of those totally seem feasible. How long did that take you to come up with 101 tasks?? I'm inspired to try to do things off your list, does that count? lol. And here's a start to your #84... my bday is 4/24, in case you didn't already know ;)
