Monday, November 9, 2009

Checking Off Tasks

Which tasks, you might ask...

Task #42...Well, I finished yet another book. The 4th in the True Blood Series. I have 5 more to go in the series, but I've decided to take a break from the series for a little while. I have more important things to read right now. For instance, Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse. :) Yes, I've already read these...but New Moon comes out on the 20th and I have to be prepared. Luckily, I have enlisted some awesome friends to go see it with me on opening day. So what if we'll be with hundreds of teen girls. I've still got to go get my Team Edward paraphernalia. :D

Task #37...Ok so I actually saw a ballet, but I'm counting it. I went with some friends to see Swan Lake the other night. It was fun to hang out with the girls. We did Majerle's before for dinner, then hit Symphony Hall for the show. I did have an epiphany that night though. I don't think the ballet is for me. :) I can appreciate it, don't get me wrong, but I NEED words. lol. That and seeing it after work probably wasn't the smartest either. I fell asleep in the last Act. haha I kept waking up when people would clap. It sucks because I really would have thought I would enjoy it and the thing is I did enjoy the Nutcracker. So maybe it's just the actual show, not the ballet in general. I am going to see Phantom of the Opera this coming I will be able to cross this task off completely. YAY!!!

As for this past weekend, I went to a baby shower for my good friend T. It was so much fun. I am pretty competetive, so I happen to love baby and bridal shower games. However, this weekend I met my match. T's sister was amazing. We played a game where you couldn't say the words "baby" or "Tony". T's sister had ears like a hawk. It was hilarious and so much fun! I'll post picts soon.

Oh yeah and I still need to post videos from the Honeymoon...I'll try and do that later this week.


  1. Whew! So glad you found people that wanted to see new moon lol... can't say I would have jumped on that bandwagon unless absolutely necessary :P And the ballet totally counts for #37, you're all good :)

    Still waiting patiently for those videos :P hehe

  2. OMG I WANT TO GO ON THE 20th!!! I am jealous! Little does Ryan know that is what we will be doing Turkey-Day, it won't be crazy busy (he hates crowds). I love your blog you always had great stories that I love to hear. I like the goals you have set I think it is great. #29 will be covered for our girls trip to Vegas, should we start to plan that?
