Monday, November 23, 2009

N is for New Moon

Friday night was all about the girls and, of course, New Moon. My girlfriends and I all met at Cheesecake Factory for some dinner, drinks, and cheesecake. It was such a good time. I found out that Cheesecake factory now serves breakfast all day. Woo Woo! I was so excited...I love me some bacon and eggs. Then for dessert I had lemon cheesecake with a raspberry ladyfingers "crust" yummy!

After dinner, we headed over to the theater for an hour and a half wait. No biggie though! It was sooo worth it. The movie was so good. It followed the book so well, which was a breath of fresh air since most of the movies based on books are so different. If you read the book, the movie was not a disappointment. If you haven't read the book, go home and read the will love the movie so much more. Plus, who could not appreciate this...

Yes I realize that he's only 17, but I'm just looking...geez! By the way, the next movie, Eclipse is due out June 30th. Woo Woo! The countdown begins.

Anyway, with this movie I am now on my way to checking off another task on my list. Task #45...Here is my "N" movie. I also watched The Ugly Truth this weekend. Pretty good...although probably not one I'd own. Either way though, that's my "U".

This weekend was also a very productive week for me. Since Scratch and I finished the Thank You cards this week, I finally got to put away all our gifts. Yay! I reorganized the kitchen and put a lot of stuff in the "Yard Sale" pile. Then cleaned a little and set up my mixer (which I plan on using for Thanksgiving desserts). I still have a LONG way to go in the cleaning department..maybe I'll be able to get more done over the holidays since I have 5 days off.

Oh yeah, I have news on the financial front. We (Honeywell) found out last week that we will be getting out 10% pay back Dec. 14th. Very cool and very needed. However, we have to take a mandatory week furlough (unpaid) at the beginning of the year. Good and's unpaid which sucks. extends my holiday vacation to 3 weeks no work. I'd rather have this than the 10% paycut. I did, however, hear a rumor that this 1 week furlough is just the beginning. That we will actually have 1 per quarter...essentially an 8% paycut...except more painful because it's not spread over several's a whole week unpaid at a time. Boo! Let's hope it doesn't get that far.

1 comment:

  1. Ugh. Boo Honeywell on mandatory furloghs :( I guess it's good you at least have a job. But seriously. Boo!

    On a good note, sounds like you and your girls had a fabulous time! I also went to Cheesecake Factory this weekend and had their breakfast. It was surprisingly really good!

    And while I'm not one that is following the twilight phenom, I can definitely appreciate the looks of said 17 year old. Very pretty :)
