Friday, October 23, 2009

Jamaica...Here we come!!!

So, this is just a quick post...mostly because Scratch doesn't think that I am serious about writing here. Anyway, we are about 4 hours away from leaving on a plane headed for Jamaica. Woo Woo! Ok...well the plane is actually headed to Charleston, but eventually we'll get to Jamaica.

Scratch and I have been looking forward to our honeymoon for a very long time, so we're really excited it's finally here. Anyway, I won't be able to post for a little while. But as soon as I get back I'll let you know how it went. I'm sure I'll have lots of stories and lots of pictures.

Yay! See you soon.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Day 1

Ok, so the wedding is over, not yet on my honeymoon, and Scratch and I aren't preggo I'm lost as to what to obsess over. :) For those of you that know me, I tend to obsess about things. I wouldn't consider it "stressing", as I tend to enjoy the obsession. Anyway, I've decided that blogging will be my new obsession. Fun, huh?

First off, I have no idea what the theme will be to my blog. It will probably be a way to keep my friends and family involved in my life...since I am horrible at talking on the phone. It will also be a way for me to stay active (I hope) since I'll need things to write about. Who knows if anyone will read this and who knows if I'll be able to keep this as up-to-date as I'd like. This is all an experiment. Wish me luck!