Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Checking in

Sorry I've been slacking on the blogs. Got some fun things to talk about, but not enough time to do it. Dang holidays!

I promise that I will get back on the blog wagon...maybe this week. Most likely next week. My last day of work is this Friday (woo woo!!). Then I don't come back til the 11th of January. WOW!! What will I do with all my time?! We'll visit parents and in-laws, maybe a Vegas trip, lots of reading...maybe even some baking. Sounds fun, huh?!?!

When I have more time, I will tell you about our friends' engagement party we went to last weekend. So cute and so fun! Plus...an awesome video to go with it.

For now, I'll leave you with my favorite wedding picture. Awwww! :D


  1. holy crap! i want a vacation for that long! will you sneak me out of work please?! lol.

    that is a great wedding pic! yay :D

  2. Hi! If you're looking for books to read, I've been reading "The Glass Castle" and it's great ;) Miss you! See you soon!

  3. The Glass Castle was an awesome book! Definitely a good read! :)
