Monday, December 7, 2009

They're here...

Here are the videos that I've been slacking on posting.

The first video is Scratch attempting to walk on water. He's not successful! Although, later in the week he did try again and his top half made it to the other side of the I was fairly impressed.

This video is on our ride to Mystic Mountain. Our driver was serenading us with Bob Marley.

This next video is at Mystic Mountain...we had to ride the "Sky Explorer" (aka ski lift) up to the top of the mountain. Scratch was filming, while I was holding on to the safety bar for dear life.

The last 2 videos are of us zip lining. The first is Scratch filming me....I kept turning around, therefore zip lining backwards. So scary! The second is Scratch filming as he zip lined. Kinda shaky, but it's pretty close to what you actually see.

Have fun watching!

1 comment:

  1. How fun! That makes me wanna go zip lining! lol. Tell Mr. Scratch nice try trying to walk on water hehe. Yay for finally posting :P
