Thursday, January 14, 2010

Happy Thursday

Not too much going on here. This was my first week back to work since mid-December. It was definitely nice to be off and so hard to be back. Oh well...gotta bring home the bacon. lol.

The break was nice. We visited Scratch's family for Christmas in Wisconsin. I know...crazy, huh? You're probably thinking who in their right mind goes from AZ to WI in the winter? Well, I LOVE the snow. Probably because I've never lived in it. I didn't even mind having to take Bella outside every 3 hours and bundling up every time to do so. We spend 4 days with his family, which was really nice. Then we went south to visit my family in Chicago. That was a great time too. Hopefully, both our parents will move down to AZ in the near future. We would love to have them here when we have kids (aka free babysitters :D).

Once we got back into town, we didn't really do much. Just relaxed before having to go back to work. Most of the week, I was sick in bed, which sucked but I did do a couple fun things. My good friend J had a birthday get together at The Shout House in Glendale. I can't tell you how much I love piano bars. I mean, think about it...everyone has to sing (at the top of your lungs no less), you don't have to sing well since you're drowned out by other people and the piano, and there's food and alcohol. What could be better? Of course, I didn't take advantage of the alcohol, but the food was good. Scratch and I also had a date night. We went to Olive Garden for dinner (thank you grandma for the gift certificate) and then went to the movies and saw Sherlock Holmes. It was actually a really good movie. Plus, I love Rachel McAdams. Bonus!

I have been busy working on my 101 goals, so be on the lookout for my update soon. I can't remember right now if I've completed anything new...but I have kicked off a lot of stuff.
I'll post work is calling. :)

1 comment:

  1. sherlock holmes was pretty good. and i love rachel mcadams too! she's adorable. j's bday of course was a blast, too bad i wasn't feelin' so hot. we'll have to get another get together soon!!
